Welcome Letter From The Principal
Welcome Atwater and Lake Bluff Families!
As the principals of Atwater Elementary and Lake Bluff Elementary, we want to welcome you to the Shorewood School District. We are proud to provide outstanding, research based curriculum, instruction and experiences to our district’s youngest learners, from four year old Kindergarten through the sixth grade years. Our reputation as one of the top school districts in Milwaukee’s North Shore area, and the entire state, is very important to us. Safety, social emotional support and growth, learning, character development and opportunity are among our top priorities for every single child, every single day.
In challenging and unprecedented times, we have prioritized health, safety, and equitable learning opportunities for all Atwater and Lake Bluff students. At both schools, we are laser-focused on providing a student-experience that replicates the world around us and that celebrates all voices from our community. Together, we are kind and committed to equitable engagement and achievement. We are Crew!
We are proud of our efforts to engage the whole child, by providing Specials instruction in the areas of Physical Education, General Music, Art, Spanish, Library and Social-Emotional Learning to enhance the regular education experience for our students. All of our teachers work together to provide a meaningful experience that connects the work being done in all classrooms to our lives outside of school.
Success, one child at a time – the effort to meet each child’s needs for growth socially, emotionally and academically – is ongoing and intentional. We integrate a school-wide Character Education program into the curriculum and use specific Character Education traits as key concepts during learning opportunities for social-emotional growth. Our teachers know and understand their students, identifying strengths, challenges and passions while striving for a positive school experience and love of learning. We are committed to meeting all students' needs be they advanced learning access, reading or math support, Special Education services or English Language Learner services. Our students’ unique needs and experiences are a vital part of what makes our schools such wonderful places to be.
We value our Atwater and Lake Bluff parents and families! Our schools’ success is rooted in the relationship we share with our Parent/Teacher Organization and community volunteers. Their invaluable support has resulted in many resources which have allowed us to better serve our students.
Again, welcome to Atwater and Lake Bluff Elementary School. Together, we will continue the commitment to safety, engagement, access and success for every single child, every single day.
Johanna French & Janice Carter
Lake Bluff Elementary Principal & Atwater Elementary Principal